ICAM 2017
The deadline for the submission of extended abstracts has been extended to 1 September 2017.
We thank all the participants of ICAM 2017 in Reykjavík for making the conference a successful and interesting event.

Welcome to the 34th International Conference on Alpine Meteorology, Reykjavík, Iceland, 18-23 June 2017
The scientific programme is now published in Programme.
His highness the President of Iceland will invite the conference attendees to his residency on Tuesday evening.
Abstract submission is closed.
Online registration is now closed. Registration opens at the conference venue on Monday morning at 08:00.
We are pleased to announce the 34th ICAM, to be held at the University of Iceland, Reykjavík, 18-23 June 2017. Included in the conference is a reception at the residence of the president of Iceland as well as an afternoon-evening excursion to W-Iceland looking at mountains, hot springs, waterfalls. On the Saturday after the conference, 24 June, we are planning a one day excursion. If you are interested in sightseeing, make sure to include 24 June in your travelling plans.
Contributions on all aspects of mountain meteorology and climatology are welcome, including:
- Results from major field campaigns
- Weather forecasting for mountainous regions
- Downslope windstorms, mountain waves and rotors
- Cryosphere and mountain hydrology
- Orographic precipitation
- Boundary layers and turbulence in complex terrain
- History of mountain meteorology
Important dates:
- 31 March 2017 – Abstract submission
- 31 March 2017 – Notification of acceptance
- 18 April 2017 – Early registration deadline
- 18 June 2017 – Start of the 34th ICAM in Reykjavík
Organizing committee:
- Haraldur Ólafsson, University of Iceland
- Guðrún Nína Petersen, Icelandic Met. Office
- Hálfdán Ágústsson, Icelandic Met. Society
Contact: icam@vedur.org
Science committee:
- Haraldur Ólafsson
- Guðrún Nína Petersen
- Hálfdán Ágústsson
- Alexander Gohm
- Branko Grisogono
- Dale Durran
- Dino Zardi
- Evelyne Richard
- Joan Cuxart
- Stephen Mobbs